Me, The Activist Poet

Copy & Paste the free verse poem that you wrote as an activist poet here.

40 Responses

  1. Takes Brains
    It took brains on July 5th
    Takes brains for you to pick up and call
    Takes brains wen that little boys mommies falls
    Takes brains for Sylas Wagoner to say “mommies sick”
    Takes brains to know what’s going to happen next
    Takes brains to interact

    Takes a 3 year old to learn once
    Takes a 3 year old to know what must be done
    My black children growing more and more like the tall oak tree
    No more ignorance because he made a change
    And all this just takes brains

    • I really like your poem. It amazes me when I hear stories about a young child calling the cops to help save a family member. That little boy she get a cookie! lol

    • i really like this, the meaning of this is so simple it has a clear point, its a shoker how young people can save a life and youyr right it takes brains. and he had alot of it

  2. Annie Smith on July 1st, 2011

    It happened July 1st,2011
    Walking in her Detroit apartment
    Hands full, she was tired
    She didn’t know why it happened

    Coming home from the store
    Groceries to be put away
    She should’ve wore a sign
    A sign that said “stay away.”

    Maybe that would have stopped him
    The fool with no sense
    That’s the same fool
    Who knocked her unconscious.

    She was 78 years old
    And only needed help
    But that crazy guy who did this
    Could only think of himself.

    He beat her, Chocked her
    And broke her eye socket
    She couldn’t even catch her breath
    To yell out “STOP IT!”

    He took her purse and money
    Far, far he ran away
    So please help us find
    The guy who caused Annie so much pain.

    • This is A sad poem. I cant belive so people are so igronante. Its a old lady why would any one ever do that. I feel so bad when i read this poem i hope he gets better and he gets what he desevers.

      • Kaylan good peom dog. I love the words you spoke from your heart. Youare a great writer and i’m sad that this happened to an old lady. Nobody should have to go through that.

    • nice poem mom. it was tight. that was some sad stuff that happen to tha old lady tho. but um good job kid.

    • I really liked your poem. It’s really messed that someone would do this to a 78 year old women thats just so cruel. I would be real mad about this my self. Good poem though.

    • Kaylan, this is a really well written poem. You should publish this on the web and see the comments you would get:)

    • i can feel the pain in this poem, the broking heart thats been steped on, why would someone every hurt someone like that. this is so sad

    • this poem is really sad. i like the way you put your poem it was nice. but i hope they find the guy that caused her alot of pain.

  3. The Devils Experiment
    You say it’s not cruel
    But you haven’t seen cruel yet
    Dog experiments in the scientist labs
    Taking Gods animals and harming them
    Dumbass people that don’t appreciate anything.
    They never stopped to think
    The devils experiment is what they’re doing.

    The devils experiment
    Is what they were against
    I appreciate them for this
    On this day May 30th they went on strike
    For Gods gifts
    Animals are not lab tools
    I’m an animal lover
    And that’s the way it is.
    The devils experiment is not for me
    Let them live life free.

    • – Its sad how people do experiment on animals. I agree with you that everyone and everything deserves a life. I liked that you named this poem “The Devils Experiment” because that’s exactly what it is.

      • its sad how people do this to hurt animals. they wouldnt like it people did that to them. I agree every thing in this world desevers a chance at life.

      • -It is sad that people will hurt animls just because the are not humans how woild they feel if they did that to them they would not like it

    • I love the image of a devil’s experiment. Very powerful!

  4. She Got Off
    It’s real filthy for that Bitch not to be guilty
    Casey Anthony killed that baby
    And the whole world knows
    Yesterday was the 5th and that’s the day we were told
    She got off like OJ Simpson

    She should’ve been convicted
    Now if she was black everything woulda been different
    Casey would’ve ended up locked up
    With some typa death sentence

    • -It is really sad that she did not get charged for what she did and she knows what she did was wrong and being charged for lieing its not okay.

    • Dr. Dro I really liked your poem , naw scratch that I loved it. I really agree with you and your view on the case. She should have been sentenced to DEATH.

    • lol at that second line. you have a potty mouth. oh wait i came up with that.. but good poem Dr.Dro the poem was great.

    • Your poem made me laugh in a kind of a serious way though. I agree with you that if she was black they probably would have locked her up. Thats unfortunate though she should have got what she deserved.

    • oooooo you used a cuss word. jk. this poem is very true of course.,! she deserves a death sentence seriously because that ish is not cool at all

  5. Monday, 09 May 2011, 11:35 PM

    SO IT’S A GAME???

    Blackmon is the name
    6 pm Highland park is the game
    Deserting your kid and drinking
    Its not okay
    Beat the youth and be okay

    Take a stand and stand for what you did
    Go and find you kid
    You’re getting charged for what you did.

    • i agree thats so not right about what she did. Thats so sad that she would do that to her own kid and she was drinking so so sad.

    • I like your free verse poem because it is something i never heard of but i feel like i have known about it for ever.

    • Very nice hypocrisy in calling this abuse a game. I like the way you worked the rhyme in.

  6. The Verdict

    Not guilty was the verdict
    Casey Anthony was set free
    From a murder that was against humanity
    I don’t understand what happened in that court room
    What she did was inhumane and cruel

    What kind of person would do that to their child?
    She will forever be filled with the guilt
    I believe she did it the evidence was there
    The decision the jury made was truly unfair
    She deserves to be in a cold jail sail rotting away or maybe even in hell

    • I wrote about the same topic and I like your poem more. I feel that she was guilty as well and that she got off was horrible. It angers e that she probably wont even spend any time in jail for the bs verdicts that she was found guilty for.

    • Beautifully written poem Kendra. The first stanza is very clear about the event you are protesting against.

  7. Gas on the Run

    That a horrible feeling when the you see that sign on the corner go up 20 cents
    It makes you just so tense
    When I have to swipe my card at the station
    There was just too much inflation
    Just yesterday I flipped on the TV it said July the fifth twenty eleven
    I wish I was driven to be more forgiven about the gas prices on the run

    Gas is like water
    You have to have to survive
    You never what to give a high five
    When your gas tank is alive

  8. Shaq’s Retirement
    Shaquille O’Neal retired on June 2nd
    Shaquille or “Shaq” was a great basketball player.
    He was slow as dirt.
    He really was a player.

    Man Shaq is a trip.
    I think he should have kept playing.
    Shaq was a great dunker.
    That’s what they all saying.

    • well it seems that you know alot about shaq. he really was a good person and a great b-ball player is really is to sad that he retired.

  9. It means happy right?

    When you say that’s gay what do
    You mean? Do you mean it was stupid, crazy or
    Or not understandable. If so why do you call it gay?
    Instead of saying something is gay you should find
    Something Else to say. How do you think
    Homosexual people feel when you say that?
    They probably feel ashamed about the way
    They act.
    You should think before you speak
    Because what you say can be hurtful.
    People can’t help what sex they like
    They should still be treated right.
    When you say that’s gay are you trying to
    Be an asshole or a jackass. But by saying gay
    It means happy right?

    -Special K

    • This makes me those of those commercials where a celebrity asks the question “When you say gay, do you realize what you say?” Nice poem I love it!

  10. No Justice for a Child

    6/16/08: You leave your home with your daughter for a month
    You refuse to let your family see her
    Because you have claims of work, or her being with a nanny
    07/15/08: You later report her missing
    You claim child abduction
    12/11/08: Caylee is found with closed eyes

    How could your daughter be missing for the time she was with you?
    Why would the abductor of your child be a fictitious nanny?
    Why were you seen partying for the same alleged time?
    Why were you not out looking for her?
    Did you –ever—look for your two year old angel?
    How are you called a mother?

    You lie in court.
    You lie to police.
    Your child is murdered
    She gets no justice.
    If on abuses a child and gets life,
    But she kills hers, and gets off?
    You don’t even get time!

    Where is Caylee’s justice!?

  11. “Our
    Life is a struggle also a pain
    Worry night in and night out about your life
    In Kabul Afghanistan you see pain in the streets
    Feel terror among you but you go in and do your duty
    You clear the streets of that terror
    And now have some comfort
    But the worst is yet to come
    You see the faces of your brothers and see happiness
    You see hope
    Family and success
    And you don’t want anything to take that away
    Its 8 of you and you feel almost invincible
    But the worst is yet to come
    Life comes with surprises good and bad ones
    You happened to be hit with the bad one on March 27th, 2011
    As the bomb yells before it hits all
    You can see is the pain in your Brothers eyes
    And feel the pain in your heart
    But also thinking in the back of your mind
    Terror never sleeps.

  12. Applebee’s Apple Juice

    Make no mistake at work
    Dominic Reese could have flew away
    Like a bird flying high in the clouds
    4/9/11 would have been a peaceful day
    But it’s too early to leave

    Just a little bit could do damage
    Too much could do worst
    Alcohol was made for adults
    Like apple juice was made for children
    I don’t understand how the mix up happen
    What person would do this to a child?

  13. Death at its Dumbest
    On a peaceful November day
    Three young black kids choose to go skate
    At least that’s what their moms knew
    Them lying to their moms is nothing new
    The things they did before have been cruel
    But now they get another chance to get their moms trust back
    They didn’t succeed because their heads are fat

    They really went to a bonfire
    With three of their dates
    The scene was heavy and the tension was high
    People started drinking and also getting high
    Fights broke out…Guns came out
    And they were the ones with the guns
    They were so drunk that they could not escape
    So they got caught with the guns and were put in jail for 3rd degree murder

    Johnny Brown

  14. Can You Live With Your Self?
    Your own young, the one you gave birth to
    The most amazing thing that women could have a gift from God
    Why Terry Robison would put her three year old baby on in an oven?
    Miss Vicky Robison Terry sister found this baby at 3:25pm on March 3rd of 2011, an infant that
    Was crying for help, lost without anyone to help him. Gasping for air like a fish on the shore.
    She said she never knew it could happen to her family, her own nephew could have a bad death, the pain that she left when she seen him…the pilling skin from his body from being in there so long, she dislikes her sister with a passion
    “I hear and see other people on the news
    Taking their kids life I can’t believe this I’m speech less” The crazy things people do to get rid of
    There kids, I know she has some type of pain hearing her baby screaming and crying and trying
    To get some air, burning slowly like a blunt so sad to see that happen to a child. Pain to the
    Family that lost a special someone, a mighty solider a strong young person that’s in a better place.

  15. Seeking to set a bomb in Israel

    Michigan’s wanted list of terror suspects
    A man attempting to set a bomb in Israel
    Using a fake passport to get into Israel
    To conduct a bombing on the behalf of the Islamic militant group

    Why are you attempting to set a bomb off?
    Obama has taken care of all things
    Bin Laden is dead now
    There should be no more worries!

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